Nefarious Racing

Learn All the Basics of Drag Racing and How to Win at Bracket Racing (DYO)

When I lined up for my first race at the drag strip, the only racing experience I had came from hours of simulation training on Need For Speed and the invaluable mentoring from Brian O’Conner and Dom.

As I was waiting in line for my turn at the strip, something hit me. No, it wasn’t the car behind me. It was the fact that:

Nobody tells you how to do it!

So naturally when I did my run, while I had the time of my life, the times I ran were nothing short of mediocre (and I didn’t have anywhere near as many gears as I thought).

This started me on the road to finding out how to do this properly. The problem was, I couldn’t find anything to teach me. They don’t exactly give out instruction manuals at the drag strip.

So I did a lot of trial and error and getting tips from others with more experience until I finally started getting the hang of it and was able to post consistent reaction times of 0.1 or less.

Time Slips

Meanwhile, most other racers, even the ones with cars that look like they should be pros, were posting reaction times of 0.4 or more.

This led me to realise that I was now able to properly compete in DYO (Bracket Racing).

I entered a drag day that was run by a car club I was in, took my daily driver BMW e28 and ended up in second place, only losing due to jumping the start light in the final.

Fast forward a couple years to 2021 (after taking a break from drag racing) and I just managed to get to the semi finals yet again, which got rained off so we weren’t able to complete the final. Needless to say I will be competing next round.

All this is to say that while I may not be a pro competing at the highest levels of drag racing, I was in the shoes of a beginner not too long ago and now am able to consistently run respectable times.

That gave me the idea to put together this quick guide for others who might be in a similar position and want to learn how to drag race properly.

I’ve included everything I have learned so far, starting from the basics and going into the more advanced tactics you can use to shave some more milliseconds off your times.

The idea behind it is that it’s a quick and easy guide for beginners which will cut the learning curve substantially and save you years trying to figure out a lot of this stuff like I did.

Here Is Everything I Cover In Secrets of the Quarter Mile:

Introduction: An introduction into drag racing and what you can expect on the day when you get to the drag strip so that you don’t look like that one noob who doesn’t know where to enter.

Car Setup: How to set up your car to get maximum performance so that you will be closer to feeling free for 10 seconds or less, rather than 20.

Burnout Guide: How to make more smoke than an Australian bushfire and make sure you don’t get laughed at because you stalled your car.

The Christmas Tree: How the lights work and when to launch so that you can make the other guy look like he’s sleeping

Launching Tactics: How to execute the perfect launch and beat your opponent off the line.

After You’ve Left the Line: What to do for the rest of that ten seconds or less feeling free.

Timeslips Explained: What to do with the piece of paper you get at the end and what it all means.

DYO/Bracket Racing Tactics: How you can compete even if you don’t have the fastest car there, and the tricks I use to outperform other drivers in the Dial Your Own (DYO) class.

The Real Question is...

So how much is it?


Secrets of the Quarter Mile eBook

That’s correct. I’m giving it away absolutely free – No catch, no upsell, nothing.

I wrote this ebook a few years ago when I was trying to start a business, and would now like to give it away to help other racers who want to learn how to get better at Drag Racing.

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Secrets of the Quarter Mile eBook

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